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Starclan is a place filled with cats that have done good within their lifetime. Of course, no cat is perfect. Mistakes are always made, and cats that go to Starclan aren't any exception. Minor things, such as breaking bits and pieces of the code, are perfectly fine and are forgivable.


Cats that come here will stay in the bodies of their youth. For younger cats, they stay in their current bodies. This is so that cats here can enjoy life without old bones, to be free.


Starclan cats are also responsible for delivering prophecies. Prophecies come from the oldest Starclan cats, who can see the future. They can not say the exact meaning, for that would cause the prophecy to break. They can only give hints and clues, until said event occurs.

Lost Souls


These cats are ones that have created chaos, destruction, and committed murderous acts. It is said that those who are sent here live in eternal darkness, some roaming the living world invisible to the living. They are simply spirits that have inflicted great physical or emotional pain.


After 100 moons of service, Starclan cats will test the cat. If they possess any amount of evil still in them, they are sent to live in this world forever.


The first cat to ever live here is said to have created evil. He slowly possessed cat in the living world, while infecting their ways of thinking and corrupting them.

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