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Common Build


The cats trained under experienced warriors are recognized as being tough, lean, and speedy. It’s said that the very first cats were mutated, but that is simply untrue. These cats have spent years training to perfect their skills, and exercise their bodies on the daily. This leads to a healthier cat, which in turn leads to longer lives. Sometimes, especially in the winter, the medicine cat will come around to give out healthy and beneficial herbs. The warriors would eat these with a piece of prey. It gives them a sort of variety, and strengthens the muscles. At the same time, the herbs will help to fight off any approaching sicknesses. 


The cats of Whispering Woods have had a tough couple of years. The Stars have stopped communicating with the living cats. It seems they’ve abandoned them. Not even a medicine cat has been able to speak with them. Dreams and prophecy’s have been neglected. The living are on their own in the great war. 


So, these cats are well trained. But without their ancestors watching over them it seems that they have no chance over the Shadows. Fighting would been to lose so many cats. And for what cost? All of their training would go to waist if they lost. And if they won, how many years would it take them to rebuild?



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