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The cats of Whispering Woods live in a small clearing, surrounded by pine trees and a small layer of fog. The fog, believe it or not, will remain there until the Shadows leave. It stands as a warning to the living cats that they do not control their own lives.


Inside of the camp, you will find 6 dens. One for the leader, medicine cat(s), warriors, apprentices, elders and the nursery. The warriors den is the largest, leaving room for the group to grow. The nursery, too, is rather large, being able to fit up to five queens and their kits. The elder's den fits four elders, and the apprentices den can fit six small-ish apprentices. Finally, the leaders den. It fits three cats with room to move around.

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The medicine den is a little bit different then the standard one. Inside, you can find a small, yet sturdy garden. The medicine cat grows common herbs, including catmint, goldenrod, and parsley. Interestingly, she also grows lavender. The very first medicine cat of Whispering Woods, named Ever, discovered that instead of using poppy seeds, lavender could be used to calm the patient and make them sleepy. This tactic has been used ever since.


Prey is an essential required among any living cat. So, obviously, Whispering Woods has to eat something. They are trained to hunt mice, rabbit, birds, fish, and even crab. Living next to a lake, as well as a river, gives them access to all sorts of water animals. The foggy terrain houses land animals, providing cover for both hunter and prey. The best location, for land prey, is the island. The first Whispering Wood cats trapped mice in the area, before a flood came and created a river. Now, the island is bustling with mice. Escaping meant to drown. Now, as mentioned before, land prey isn't the only type of food. The rivers hold fish, and every now and then the lakes will produce a clam or a small crab. The cats have very special tactics for eating these. For a clam, it must be pried open and eaten whole. They aren't very tasty, but cats still will tolerate them. Crabs are considered a delicacy, and are quite hard to catch. Cats must creep up on them, because as soon as they discover you they curl up in their tough shell. 




You can not live peacefully without ever having experienced trouble of some kind. You always will. Dogs roam the 

plains, and scare off any source of prey that ever lived their. But their not the biggest threat. The Shadows rule the West, where they have created an in-passable boundary. They pick off the cats, one by one, forcing them apart. Without a stable structure, they are vulnerable. A vulnerable cat is an easy target.


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